Bluebird Feathered Woman
Bluebird feathered woman at the bottom of my well
You offer me the blue jeweled crystal
And feathers I gain
These feathers I may use to traverse the vast realms ahead
Bluebird feathered woman by my side
I carry the messages and lightly fly
From here to there, from above to below, from within to without
All about the universe, to remain always here
Bluebird feathered woman your wisdom is akin to air.
Soft, flexible, and impersonal… constantly shifting with the tides
Bluebird feathered woman fly with me and open my eyes to the great beyond
That’s just behind my well’s door."
In Soul-Centered Coaching, we work with the power of the imaginal, the symbolic, and the mythopoetic in order to engage and build relationships with all the different parts of ourselves. We are made of many magical pieces waiting to be recovered.
PhotoCredit - Konstantin Somov