Our dreams provide direct access to our complexes, the Self, and the collective unconscious. Working with our dreams is a wonderful way to establish the connection and communication between the conscious and the unconscious. The unconscious is the repository of a well of wisdom and knowledge not easily accessible in waking life and it can become a great ally.
When we engage in dream-work we can access the “other side” of our options, perspectives, and orientations that we are not privy from the perspective of the ego.
How do we work with dreams?
You can either bring a dream that had significance to you, or a dream from the night before, or a recurring dream/nightmare?
I will guide you into an experiential exercise to connect to the different images, symbols, characters, and/or emotions of the dream. You will do this by engaging with the imaginal, symbolic, and somatic aspects of yourself.
You will also engage with free association and I I will provide potential interpretations by using different techniques.
Dream-work can be a standalone practice we engage over a period of time, or it can also be part of your coaching sessions.
What if I don’t dream?
We all dream, it’s a physiological fact. What happens to some people is that they don’t remember them. There are ways to work with this.
Having a dream journal and pen by your bed.
Spending a few minutes in silence before bed and setting an intention for a dream
Our psyche usually responds when we pay intentional attention to it.
B Complex vitamin before bed
Lowering or ceasing THC consumption as it lowers our ability for dream recollection.
Cancellation Policy: Any cancellation with less than 24 hours will be considered as one of your paid sessions but please communicate with me. I value communication above all and I understand that sometimes life happens.
“In each of us is another whom we do not know. He speaks to us in dreams and tells us how differently he sees us from the way we see ourselves. One finds one’s destiny on the path one takes to avoid it. You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do. ”