Welcome to Your Journey
Soul-Centered Coach, Evolutionary & Archetypal Astrologer, Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator
Barbara Yuruvich Arias
I’m a trained Transpersonal-Soul-Centered Coach under the program of Dr. Bonnie Bright where I am currently enrolled in the Advance Study Program. I also hold a Certificate in Holotropic Breathwork and Transpersonal Psychology from the Grof Transpersonal Training Institute, and Certificate as an Evolutionary and Archetypal Astrologer. I am part of a Dream Study group led by 3 Jungian Analysts, and an active member of the Santo Daime (medicine lineage from Brazil).
The work that I offer revolves around assisting and accompanying the client in the journey of self-discovery and the deepening into the Self with the Capital “S”. As we learn to lean into our Soul-Self we move towards wholeness, discover hidden patterns operating in our lives, limiting beliefs that are keeping us stuck in patterns, can work out past trauma, embrace transformation and change, and bring richness to our lives and relationships.

Ideal Client
This journey is not always pleasant and easy, we will run into ego defenses and resistance. My ideal client is someone who’s committed to working deeply on themselves in a supported and safe environment. This will require courage on your part, the descent into the unconscious involves dealing and embracing all that shows up for you. (Only when we integrate and build a relationship with every-thing, can we integrate it into our lives and become whole.) The purpose is not perfection, but wholeness. You will also learn the value of working somatically to unlock the wisdom of your body, the richness of the symbolic language in which Soul/Psyche/Unconscious communicates with us, and the wisdom your dreams can provide.
Soul-Centered Coach,
Evolutionary & Archetypal Astrologer, Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator
Choose your journey…
Is a therapeutic modality that uses elements from Depth Psychology, also known as Psychoanalytic Psychology, Somatic Therapy, Contemplative Disciplines, and Shamanic techniques.
Was a science that used to be taught as part of astronomy in ancient times. This was so until the paradigm shift we went through during the Renaissance created the split between nature and science rendering anything that didn't strictly fit within the parameters of logic and reason, as faulty.
Was designed by pioneer psychiatrist Stan Grof in the 70s in order to assist clients through non-ordinary states of consciousness achieved via breath, music, and bodywork.
For more information on guided journeys please contact directly at deepjourneys1@gmail.com
Our dreams provide direct access to our complexes, the Self, and the collective unconscious. Working with our dreams is a wonderful way to establish the connection and communication between the conscious and the unconscious.
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“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”.
Carl G. Jung
Contact me
If you want to know more about these sessions or have any doubts about the process, please write to me or complete the form.
I’ll be in touch soon!